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Time and again, Dr. Tanton urged liberal colleagues in groups like Planned Parenthood and the Sierra Club to seek immigration restraints, only to meet blank looks and awkward silences. I finally concluded that if anything was going to happen, I would have to do it myself, he said. Improbably, he did. From the resort town of Petoskey, Mich., Dr. Tanton helped start all three major national groups fighting to reduce immigration, legal and illegal, and molded one of the most powerful grass roots forces in politics. The immigration control movement surged to new influence in last falls elections and now holds near veto power over efforts to legalize any of the 1. United States. One group that Dr. Tanton nurtured, Numbers USA, doomed President George W. Bushs legalization plan four years ago by overwhelming Congress with protest calls. Another, the Federation for American Immigration Reform, or FAIR, helped draft the Arizona law last year to give the police new power to identify and detain illegal immigrants. A third organization, the Center for Immigration Studies, joined the others in December in defeating the Dream Act, which sought to legalize some people brought to the United States illegally as children. Rarely has one person done so much to structure a major cause, or done it so far from the public eye. Dr. Tanton has raised millions of dollars, groomed protgs and bequeathed institutions, all while running an ophthalmology practice nearly 8. Capitol Hill. He is the most influential unknown man in America, said Linda Chavez, a former aide to President Ronald Reagan who once led a Tanton group that promoted English only laws. While Dr. Tantons influence has been extraordinary, so has his evolution from apostle of centrist restraint to ally of angry populists and a man who increasingly saw immigration through a racial lens. Mindful that the early 2. Dr. Tanton initially emphasized FAIRs identity as a centrist group and made arguments aimed at liberals and minorities. He allowed few local FAIR chapters, warning that a stray demagogue might go off half cocked and spoil the whole effort. When a member of FAIR wrote that Hispanic immigrants should be shot because they multiply like a bunch of rats a staff member offered to refund his dues. Early supporters included Senator Eugene Mc. Carthy of Minnesota and Warren E. Buffett. Now FAIRs signature event is an annual gathering of talk radio hosts, where earnest policy pitches share time with the kind of battle cries Dr. Tanton once feared. This years event mixed discussion of job losses among minorities with calls to use Tomahawk missiles on Tijuana drug lords, while a doubter of President Obamas birth certificate referred to the undocumented worker in the White House. Leading allies include Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, whose sweeps of Latino neighborhoods around Phoenix have prompted a federal investigation. While the whole movement grew more vehement as illegal immigration increased, Dr. Tanton seemed especially open to provocative allies and ideas. He set off a storm of protests two decades ago with a memorandum filled with dark warnings about the Latin onslaught. Word soon followed that FAIR was taking money from the Pioneer Fund, a foundation that promoted theories of the genetic superiority of whites. Dr. Tanton, who remains on the FAIR board, denied charges of racial bias and donated his papers to the University of Michigan to show that he and colleagues are not the unsavory types sometimes alleged. They include hundreds of private letters, some outlining his interest in genetic differences between the races and concerns about the countrys changing ethnic mix. Reeling from their recent defeats, supporters of immigrant rights are mining those files as part of a fierce critics say unfair campaign to label him a racist and discredit his broader cause. Some have gone as far as calling FAIR a hate group. But accusations of bigotry could alienate moderates the immigrant rights groups need. Allies of Dr. Tanton say their accusers are discrediting themselves with a guilt by association campaign that twists his ideas and projects them onto groups where, they say, his influence long ago waned. Still, few of those allies are willing to defend all the views he expresses in his files. Dr. Tanton, 7. 7, declined interview requests, citing problems from Parkinsons disease. That leaves his files to speak for themselves. Is he an embodiment of his powerful movement or an embarrassment to it A Pledge of Centrism. Petoskey, population 6,0. Lake Michigan in a forested area known for sailboats and summer homes. Dr. Tanton has spent most of his adult life there, chopping wood, keeping bees and growing kale. Even as late as 2. Regretting what he saw as the limits of his rural education, Dr. Tanton compensated with autodidactic zest. He started a Great Books Club, read up on macroeconomics and polished his foreign language skills by subscribing to a German newspaper. The results included a wide ranging mind and at times a tone deafness. He is a former farm boy who calls colleagues chaps. Dr. Tanton founded local chapters of Planned Parenthood and the Sierra Club and became the national president of Zero Population Growth. Unable to interest colleagues in fighting immigration, he formed FAIR in 1. The first director, Roger Conner, had made his mark as a liberal environmental advocate. Otis L. Graham Jr., a founding board member, wrote, A leading concern for me is to bring into FAIR strong representation from people in groups of liberal, progressive disposition. Then, as today, there were serious liberal arguments for lower immigration. FAIR hoped to enlist unions concerned about wage erosion, environmentalists concerned about pollution and sprawl, and blacks concerned about competition for housing, jobs and schools. A few prominent Democrats lent support, including Senator Mc. Carthy. But most liberal groups saw immigrants, even illegal ones, as minorities to be protected, rather than economic rivals. Unions saw potential members Democrats saw voters. We didnt convince anybody, Mr. Graham said in an interview. Worried that it was losing the war of ideas, FAIR in 1. Center for Immigration Studies, intended to make the restriction of immigration a legitimate position for thinking people, as Dr. Tanton put it. The next year FAIR faced a defining fight over the first major immigration bill in more than 2. It created penalties for employers who hired illegal workers but legalized several million people already here. With FAIR sharply split, Dr. Tanton pushed it to support the compromise, but the penalties proved ineffective and the amnesty was marred by fraud. No one at FAIR would think of compromising on legalization again. Challenging Taboos. FAIR was founded on complaints about the immigrants numbers, not their culture. But Dr. Tanton feared that they were failing to assimilate. He formed a new group, U. S. English, to oppose bilingual education and demand that government agencies use English alone. By 1. 98. 8, Dr. Tanton had a high profile director in Ms. Chavez and ballot measures pending in three states. Then The Arizona Republic revealed the contents of a memorandum he had sent to friends before a brainstorming session. Will Latin American migrants bring with them the tradition of the mordida bribe he asked. As whites see their power and control over their lives declining, will they simply go quietly into the night Or will there be an explosion.
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