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Glengarry Glen Ross. Gnomeo Juliet. The Top 2. Finest Jason Statham films. Well, weve upgraded our list of the mighty Stathams finest movies, though it saddens me to say that in the years since this articles first inception, we are still without a third Crank film, which the world needs now more than ever Im sure youll agree. Thankfully last year proved to be his most successful to date, certainly from a box office perspective, as he finally returned to the big screen as an out and out villain for the first time since Cellular, in the Fast Furious mega franchise, with his turn in Fast 7. Likewise Spy added another string to his bow, allowing self parody in the most glorious way. Wild Card might not have taken a lot of money, but it at least allowed Statham to release another of his more independent minded movies and made for a fine blend of action and black comedy. While his productivity is normally so high that he has a multitude of movies lined up in any one year some years ago I mentioned updating this piece to the man himself due to his insane workload, he cracked up and responded, My productivity is overwhelming Have a fucking day off I think well allow him 2. Mechanic Resurrectionhis only film out this year. Weve also now accumulated quite the celebrity database covering what his peers vote for as their favorite Jason Statham film, which you can find here. And when we asked the man himself for his choice, here was his response I have good memories of working with Guy Ritchie. He started me in the business, so I owe him so much, and Ive always enjoyed the films. Those two films, Lock Stockand Snatch were just such a great thing for me. And I also like The Bank Job. The Bank Job for me, was a great opportunity for me to do some good acting, you know Other people might dispute that fact laughs. It was a great story, a true story, and I got to work with some brilliant actors and Im really proud of that film. So with that in mind, lets get stuck in to the world of Statham2. WarAll we have to do, ladies and gentlemen, is pull the fucking trigger. War is a surprising film in several respects, choosing to prioritise its twisting, turning plot over and above the action, which is relatively minimal for a film that stars both Statham and Jet Li. War is also so full of double crosses and betrayals, that anything less than full attention will leave you struggling to keep up, as the F. B. I. find themselves stuck in the middle of a gang war between the Triads and Yakuza. I once made the mistake of watching it as part of a beer and pizza night and after several imbibes had no clue what was going on. Its a slick and intriguing little action thriller and considerably way better than Chaos, which Stath had filmed several years earlier, and is notable for being yet another film in which he stars alongside Jet Li, which is no coincidence when you know that they share the same manager, Steven Chasman, who has also produced a fair few of their movies, including War, The One, Kiss Of The Dragon, The Transporter trilogy and more. Action wise, theres still plenty of highlights, including the thrilling sight of the two leads going head to head in spectacular fashion, poor Stath being attacked by an axe once more which bad guys should really know is folly by now in a bloody showdown and a decent sword fight involving Mr. Li. Strangely, Wars director, Philip G Atwell, who has a background in rap music videos and a couple of episodes of The Shield to his name, hasnt directed anything since, which seems like a real shame after the promise shown in his first and last feature movie. Buy now from Amazon War. Transporter 3Nope, I am not the gay. Transporter 3 has, I believe, a unique honor at Den Of Geek. When the press screening took place back in November of 2. One was titled Transporter 3 the We Liked It review and the other Transporter 3 the We Didnt Like It review. No prizes for guessing which one mine was. For me its the humor in Transporter 3 that makes it so much fun, and its arguably even more of an asset than the action sequences. From the opening dialogue between Frank and returning character Tarconi played by the fantastic Franois Berland things feel sharper and more self aware, making the film as a whole immensely entertaining. The strangest part of this Transporter is that at times its so very slick it actually verges on feeling like a proper film and I dont mean any disrespect by that, merely that in its increasing similarities to the likes of Bourne and Bond location trotting, the casting of Jeroen Krabb it is actually in danger of becoming comparable, though more as a spoof than anything. The plot, however, remains ludicrously high concept this time Frank cant be more than 7. Transporter 3 a closer relation to Crank, although it can never quite match the sheer insanity of that film. Special mention should go to the scene which sees him chase down a car on a BMX, while The Stooges I Wanna Be Your Dog blares out, which in itself gets a big gold star from me. Buy now from Amazon Transporter 3. Gnomeo JulietWell Benny, I didnt think it was possible but your mouth is getting even bigger than your hatOn my list of the several thousand questions Id still like to ask The Statham, is whether hes been regularly approached about doing more child friendly roles. After all, while Stallone and Schwarzenegger had managed, with mixed success, to flirt between blood soaked action and looking after children, their template seemed to become a necessary rite of passage for their muscular successors. Both Dwayne The Rock Johnson and Vin Diesel fell into family fare with The Tooth Fairy and The Pacifier, but mercifully they both came back to more grown up fare and now even share the success of the Fast Furious franchise. Hopefully the world will never have to witness a movie poster depicting Statham holding some form of upside down childnappy see diaper or other comical weapon substitute, but its nice to have at least one film on this list that can be shown to little uns as a Statham introduction especially if you now find yourself as a new parent with more than a passing interest in his work. He gets to play the villain of the piece and even has an animated slice of action, including a lawnmower race. But even more surreal than listening to Stath voice a garden gnome, is watching him talk to his little deer sidekick, voiced by Ozzy Osbourne. Its a sweet, clever little movie and a fine way to get children indoctrinated in to the church of Statham, as his shouty, uncredited cameo in The Pink Panther hardly counts even if he did get to smooch Beyonc in it. Buy now from Amazon Gnomeo Juliet. The OneIn this, you exist. In another you dont exist. In another, youre married to the same woman. In another, youre married to a different woman. In another, youre married to a man. You know whats better than one Jet Li Lots of Jet Lis. You can tell someones had a good day, when they sit back and think, Who on earth would be the most exciting person to get Li to fight Aha Himself Note to self not in the Double Impact tradition. In this instance, the people responsible were former X Files, Millennium and Space Above And Beyond scribes Glen Morgan and James Wong who also earned extra affection over the years for the writing and directing the likes of Final Destination and Willard, but who have since turned back to TV with The Event, American Horror Story, The River and this years Rosemarys Baby and Those Who Kill. Dont get me wrong, The One or Jet Lis The One, if you prefer is exactly the kind of bonkers sci fi trash that would sit perfectly as a double with Van Dammes Timecop, but that doesnt make it any less fun.
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