Zodiac: The Race Begins... Stream

Zodiac: The Race Begins... Stream

Zodiac: The Race Begins... Stream 4,6/5 6141reviews

Zodiac: The Race Begins... Stream' title='Zodiac: The Race Begins... Stream' />The Return of the Elder Race Opening the Gateway of the Fifth Kingdom. Nefertiti, reportedly a princess from a foreign country became married to Akhenaton. By VICTORIA LEPAGERen Gunons assertion, culled from ancient esoteric sources, that in the remote past humanitys first civilisation arose in the ice free Arctic zone is not without geological support. According to the well known researcher J. S. Gordon, there is no scientific doubt that the polar ice caps have melted and reformed many, many times over and that this has always affected human society plus animal and plant species, often catastrophically. He points out that the great Ice Age that lasted about two million years, ending about twelve thousand years ago, was made up of thirty or so minor Ice Ages, with warm intervals of polar deglaciation in between them, each creating periods of thousands of years of temperate conditions at the poles. Baptist Pastor Steven Anderson Says Jewish Holocaust Survivors Are All Paid Liars. Zodiac: The Race Begins... Stream' title='Zodiac: The Race Begins... Stream' />Virgil The Aeneid, Book VI a new downloadable English translation. Search metadata Search full text of books Search TV captions Search archived web sites Advanced Search. When is the Summer Solstice 2018 See when the first day of summer isplus, solstice facts, folklore, and more from The Old Farmers Almanac Heres A Deep Dive Into That Batshit Insane Subaru WRX STI Type RA Record Car. My big gripe with openwheel race cars is that they are so far removed from any car. Any one of these warm intervals would have been hospitable to a circumpolar civilisation. Charles Hapgood, who in the mid sixties was the Professor of the History of Science at Keene University in New Hampshire, USA, became convinced that humanity did indeed enjoy a sophisticated civilisation a hundred thousand years or more ago, and that it must have been at least partly in a polar location. He derived his theory from cartographic research conducted on ancient portolans or seafaring maps, one of which had been in the possession of a l. Turkish admiral, Piri Reis. Buy Early Man Hq there. Review The Knights, Azul One of the finest, most ravishing, cello concertos so far this century, written for and performed by YoYo Ma, finally receives. This map and others also researched, Gordon comments, summarising Hapgoods conclusions, clearly showed that the polar regions had been cartographically surveyed when no ice cap existed,3 and that in the case of the Antarctic Circle, rivers and mountains had been mapped in such detail that the land must have been inhabited and by a people who understood spherical trigonometry. Other researchers, sifting and re examining existing archaeological data from the past 1. Quaternary period, some 1. Such findings reinforce the growing opinion of many people today that Hapgoods theory, initially rejected by scientists of the day, has serious merit. In The Secret Doctrine, Helena Blavatsky said that in primeval times the earth had still not densified fully and was therefore larger than at present. All body forms would have been considerably lighter in weight and of a more plastic nature, the skeleton still not having hardened by then and accordingly human beings could have been less affected by gravity and as much as sixty feet or more taller than they are today. She believed that over vast ages there have been several violent changes in earths climatic conditions, with corresponding diminutions of human stature, accompanied by many variations in human civilisation and culture. Mainstream science has no real conception of how long modern homo sapiens has been in existence, or under what physical conditions, but certainly archaeologists are aware that homo sapiens skulls of an entirely modern type have been found that are over a hundred thousand years old. Swanscombe man from England is a quarter of a million years old, while Vertesszollos man from Hungary, equally modern in type, dates to an amazing four hundred thousand to seven hundred thousand years old. Such dates leave ample room in our human record for many modifications of climate and variations in the physical stature, cultural development and living conditions of human beings. The Hebrew Bible tells us There were giants in the earth in those days and also after that, when the Sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. Genesis 6 4The information given in the Book of Genesis regarding the Sons of God, the giant sized Elders who once lived on earth mighty men of old, men of renown was derived by Hebrew scribes from the scriptures of older surrounding races, such as the Indian Vedic texts, the Vedas and Puranas, and the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh. In the Sumerian illustrations of the doings of the gods it can readily be seen that the relative height of the Elders and ordinary humans was that of adult and child in one such instance, a god is holding a human on his lap as though nursing an infant. The Egyptians also created statues of god kings of enormous height juxtaposed to little figures of normal human stature and while these statements in stone may have been intended symbolically, the alternative possibility exists that an entirely realistic rendition was intended, as more than one researcher has suggested. Helena Blavatsky, for example, contended that not only were the polar regions the cradle of humanity millions of years ago, but that due to a decrease of velocity in the Earths rotation conditions at the poles changed, and the size and weight of all the organisms living there was accordingly modified. The axle of the Wheel tilted People for the first time knew snow, ice and frost, and men, plants and animals were dwarfed in their growth. Those that did not perish remained as half grown babes in size and intellect. The other outstanding characteristic imputed to the Elders, whom Blavatsky called the Kumaras, was their huge skulls. Although there is less evidence in the ancient texts to support this legend, it is an astonishing fact that several such enormous skulls, relative to the size of the face, have been unearthed in Peru one is on display in the museum in Lima. According to reports, others of similar immensity have been found in and around Egypt and Tibet, suggesting a correspondingly massive intelligence. Furthermore, carved busts of the family members belonging to the Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaton of the eighteenth dynasty demonstrate the same anomalous feature, including equally huge ears. Found in the underground desert ruins of Tel el Amarna in Egypt, little known statues of this strange family, which included Nefertiti, Akhenatons wife, and their daughters, exhibit other unusual features, including great body height. The body of a statue of Nefertiti is described below Shes not wearing clothes because they didnt believe in that at the time. She has a huge head, large ears, a long, skinny neck and a high waist. She also has a kind of bulging tummy. And she has skinny legs and wide thighs. This in fact is an equally good description of her husbands famously strange appearance. The carved or painted likenesses of Nefertitis daughters, down to the youngest, a mere toddler, show exactly the same peculiar characteristics of enormous hairless skulls, high waists, skinny calves and huge ears. Could this Egyptian royal family, then, have been a throwback to the ancestral offspring of the Elders And more pertinently, could its anomalous physical features support the idea of an intellectually advanced race alien to ours, either from another stellar system or a previous racial cycle These Elders, also known as the beni ha elohim, the Sons of God or Sons of the Fire Mist whom the Sumerians claimed had brought civilisation to humanity, are a perennial mystery. G. I. Gurdjieff regarded them as palaeolithic shaman adepts, men and women who in the remote past practised their mysteries in the underground caves along the Syr Darya, in Central Asia, and whose evolution due to their superior spiritual practices put them far in advance of their fellows. But occult tradition goes a great deal further, contending the Elders were a wise and powerful race that came from the stars possibly, say some, from the giant star Sirius. In the ancient Egyptian tradition they are called the Watchers of Pe, divine Intelligences who watch over and guide humanity, their progeny, from celestial heights. Alternatively, could they have been, as the noted Theosophist G.

Zodiac: The Race Begins... Stream
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