Donald Trumps News Conference Full Transcript and Video. SPICER The fact that Buzz. Feed and CNN made the decision to run with this unsubstantiated claim is a sad and pathetic attempt to get clicks. The report is not an intelligence report, plain and simple. One issue that the report talked about was the relationship of three individuals associated with the campaign. These three individuals Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen and Carter Page. Carter Page is an individual who the president elect does not know and was put on notice months ago by the campaign. Paul Manafort has adamantly denied any of this involvement and Michael Cohen, who is said to have visited Prague in August and September did not leave or enter the United States during this time. We asked him to produce his passport to confirm his whereabouts on the dates in question and there was no doubt that he was not in Prague. In fact, Mr. Cohen has never been in Prague. A new report actually suggests that Michael Cohen was at at the University of Southern California with his son at a baseball game. One report now suggested apparently its another Michael Cohen. B9oU3Nd2Prw/T0b6ssMue6I/AAAAAAAAK6A/sgk4ZVC7ZSo/s912/7ae7c5ae7d0b48f6c1a1fae13704e964.jpg' alt='Watch The Place Promised In Our Early Days Free' title='Watch The Place Promised In Our Early Days Free' />For all the talk lately about fake news, this political witch hunt by some in the media is based on some of the most flimsy reporting and is frankly shameful and disgraceful. With that, it is my honor to introduce the next vice president of the United States, Mike Pence. APPLAUSEPENCE We are nine days away from the inauguration of the 4. Promised Land is a 2012 American drama film directed by Gus Van Sant and starring Matt Damon, John Krasinski, Frances McDormand and Hal Holbrook. The screenplay is. Watch Free episodes online free. Stream full Free episodes and movies with english subs. ANd9GcT0-WBmZW2dfgzx5piyWk5dp3Os_oB3POg7fcaAgrIkSJWwDMyq2Sz7O0I' alt='Watch The Place Promised In Our Early Days Free' title='Watch The Place Promised In Our Early Days Free' />United States of America. APPLAUSEI am profoundly honored and humbled that I will take the oath of office to serve as vice president of the United States nine days from today, but Im even more honored to stand shoulder to shoulder with a new president who will make America great again. APPLAUSENow, the president elects leadership and his energy during the campaign was impressive. But as the chairman of the transition effort, I can assure the American people that his energy and his vision during the course of this transition has been even more inspiring. To see the way he has brought together men and women of extraordinary capability at a historic pace in this cabinet. Nineteen of the 2. Perhaps thats why theres been such a concerted effort by some in the mainstream media to delegitimize this election and to demean our incoming administration. You know, I have long been a supporter of a free and independent press and I always will be. But with freedom comes responsibility. And the irresponsible decision of a few news organizations to run with a false and unsubstantiated report, when most news organizations resisted the temptation to propagate this fake news, can only be attributed to media bias and attempt to demean the president elect and our incoming administration and the American people are sick and tired of it. APPLAUSEBut today, well get back to real news, to real facts and the real progress our incoming president has already made in reviving the American economy and assembling a team that will make America great again. And well hear from the president elect about issues that are of paramount importance to the American people today. So, it is my honor to introduce to all of you, my friend and the president elect of the United States of America, Donald Trump. APPLAUSETRUMP Thank you very much. Its very familiar territory, news conferences, because we used to give them on an almost daily basis. I think we probably maybe won the nomination because of news conferences and its good to be with you. TRUMP We stopped giving them because we were getting quite a bit of inaccurate news, but I do have to say that and I must say that I want to thank a lot of the news organizations here today because they looked at that nonsense that was released by maybe the intelligence agencies Who knows, but maybe the intelligence agencies which would be a tremendous blot on their record if they in fact did that. A tremendous blot, because a thing like that should have never been written, it should never have been had and it should certainly never been released. But I want to thank a lot of the news organizations for some of whom have not treated me very well over the years a couple in particular and they came out so strongly against that fake news and the fact that it was written about by primarily one group and one television station. So, I just want to compliment many of the people in the room. I have great respect for the news and great respect for freedom of the press and all of that. But I will tell you, there were some news organizations with all that was just said that were so professional so incredibly professional, that Ive just gone up a notch as to what I think of you. OK All right. Weve had some great news over the last couple of weeks. Ive been quite active, I guess you could say, in an economic way for the country. A lot of car companies are going to be moving in, we have other companies big news is going to be announced over the next couple of weeks about companies that are getting building in the Midwest. You saw yesterday Fiat Chrysler big, big factory going to be built in this country as opposed to another country. Ford just announced that they stopped plans for a billion dollar plant in Mexico and theyre going to be moving into Michigan and expanding, very substantially, an existing plant. I appreciate that from Ford. I appreciate it very much from Fiat Chrysler. I hope that General Motors will be following and I think they will be. I think a lot of people will be following. I think a lot of industries are going to be coming back. Weve got to get our drug industry back. Our drug industry has been disastrous. Theyre leaving left and right. They supply our drugs, but they dont make them here, to a large extent. And the other thing we have to do is create new bidding procedures for the drug industry because theyre getting away with murder. Pharma, pharma has a lot of lobbies and a lot of lobbyists and a lot of power and theres very little bidding on drugs. Watch Dripped. Were the largest buyer of drugs in the world and yet we dont bid properly and were going to start bidding and were going to save billions of dollars over a period of time. And were going to do that with a lot of other industries. Im very much involved with the generals and admirals on the airplane, the F 3. And its way, way behind schedule and many, many billions of dollars over budget. I dont like that. And the admirals have been fantastic, the generals have been fantastic. Ive really gotten to know them well. And were going to do some big things on the F 3. F 1. 8 program. And were going to get those costs way down and were going to get the plane to be even better. And were going to have some competition and its going to be a beautiful thing. So, weve been very, very much involved, and other things. We had Jack Ma, we had so many incredible people coming here. There are no theyre going to do tremendous things tremendous things in this country. And theyre very excited. And I will say, if the election didnt turn out the way it turned out, they would not be here. They would not be in my office. They would not be in anybody elses office. Theyd be building and doing things in other countries. So, theres a great spirit going on right now. A spirit that many people have told me theyve never seen before, ever. Were going to create jobs. I said that I will be the greatest jobs producer that God ever created. And I mean that, I really Im going to work very hard on that. We need certain amounts of other things, including a little bit of luck, but I think were going to do a real job. And Im very proud of what weve done. And we havent even gotten there yet. I look very much forward to the inauguration. Its going to be a beautiful event. We have great talent, tremendous talent. And we have the all of the bands or most of the bands are from the different from the different segments of the military. Masoud Barzani Why Its Time for Kurdish Independence. Earlier this month, Foreign Policy sat down with the leader of Iraqi Kurdistan, President Masoud Barzani. A transcript of the conversation follows. FPs article about Barzani can be found here. FP The date for a referendum, they all faced their own internal issues. They didnt wait for solutions to all these internal issues and differences they had. Were not going to wait for solutions to every single problem before we decide. This is bigger than those problems and bigger than those issues. Well do it and then well solve those other issues later. FP If I could come back to what this referendum will give the Kurds, in terms of a tool. Publicly at least, a number of powers have already started delegitimizing this referendum before it takes place. The Americans have said they are opposed to it, Turkey has come out quite vocally at least in public calling it irresponsible and a grave mistake. So what leverage does this referendum give you that you dont already have MB We have worked a lot to keep the unity of Iraq. I can categorize our relationship with Baghdad into two major phases. The first one started with the creation of Iraq after the first World War and lasted until 2. The second phase in the relationship between Baghdad and Erbil began then and lasted until now. In the first stage, from 1. Kurds in the governance of Iraq The Anfal campaign, chemical bombardment, the destruction of our villages, the mass graves, genocide that was the lot of the Kurds from this time in its relations with Baghdad. Post 2. 00. 3, what was the share of the Kurds They cut the budget of Kurdistan and they have not abided by the Iraqi constitution. So our question for international players like the United States and others is What else should we do We have worked very hard to have a constitution in Iraq that can be a guarantor for the rights of duties of all of us. We voted for that constitution. But it was stipulated in the prelude of the constitution that the unity of Iraq is bound by the implementation of the constitution. So my question to them is Has the Iraqi constitution been implemented Of course not. So thats why from the point of view and reactions of the international players, none of them said they are against the referendum. They are saying that maybe this is not a good time, or it may create problems, and I have my differences with them on these two points. Its not going to add to the problems. If this referendum doesnt happen, it will lead to more destabilization in the relationship, it will lead to more instability in the region. We want to have this referendum in order to prevent instability.
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