The Nanking Hoax A Historian Analyzes the Events of 1937. By Ara Kenichi. Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PREFACE iii. 110480 de 51484 Paulo 49074 So 46318 do 40723 Brasil 38043 da 37922 Da 35214 US 33367 Folha 2900 Local 19724 Reportagem 1790 Jos 15364. The Nanking Hoax A Historian Analyzes the Events of 1. The Nanking Hoax A Historian Analyzes the Events of 1. By Ara Kenichi. Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact. TABLE OF CONTENTSPREFACEiii. CHAPTER 1 JAPANESE FORCES SUSTAIN CRUSHING DEFEAT IN CHIANGS PROPAGANDA WAR1. News of Japanese brutality spreads far and wide1. Nanking massacre another product of the Chinese international propaganda machine8. Virtually no complaints from civilians about Japanese atrocities1. Generalissimos views weigh heavily on war crimes tribunals1. CHAPTER 2 THE IMTFE ADDRESSES THE NANKING MASSACRE1. Relentless propaganda barrage advertises Japanese brutality1. Christian missionaries become soldiers in the propaganda war against Japan2. Propaganda a tool in the quest for retribution2. Vol. 7, No. 3, May, 2004. Mathematical and Natural Sciences. Study on Bilinear Scheme and Application to Threedimensional Convective Equation Itaru Hataue and Yosuke. CHAPTER 3 MISSIONARIES TESTIFY AT THE IMTFE3. Missionaries testimony not based on personal experiences3. Statistics invented by missionaries4. CHAPTER 4 WHY THE SAFETY ZONE WAS UNSAFE4. Determined to enlighten the Chinese, missionaries remain in battle zone4. Chinese troops infiltrate Safety Zone4. Why the missionaries stayed in Nanking5. CHAPTER 5 SPURIOUS REPORTS SEND FOREIGN MINISTER TO THE GALLOWS5. East Asia Bureau chiefs damning testimony6. Reports with no factual basis6. Fallacious reports send Hirota Koki to the gallows6. EAFtyHHOoE/TcbNtXgzmdI/AAAAAAAAFN4/oGYoLvG3zYY/s1600/anime.jpg' alt='The Full Tofu Kozo Movie ' title='The Full Tofu Kozo Movie ' />CHAPTER 6 THE BRITISH NEWSPAPER REPORTER WHO DECEIVED THREE JAPANESE7. A single book dominates Nanking massacre court proceedings7. Propaganda book created in collusion with China7. Timperleys clever deceiving of three Japanese8. CHAPTER 7 UNMASKING THE WESTERN REPORTERS WHO COVERED THE FALL OF NANKING8. Biased American reporting8. Faked photograph viewed by 2. News reports with a pro Chinese slant9. Great victory at Taierzhuang a hoax9. Romantic Horror Movies Candy Land: The Great Lollipop Adventure. CHAPTER 8 HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS MISLEAD EMINENT MILITARY HISTORIAN1. Capture of Nanking recedes from national memory1. Conflicting resources1. Why Kojima could not shed light on aftermath of Battle of Nanking1. Explaining the inexplicable1. CHAPTER 9 A MASSACRE NO CHINESE KNEW ABOUT1. Zhou Enlai silent about Nanking massacre1. CCP fixates on ascribing Three All tactics to the Japanese1. PRC officially decrees 3. Japanese attempts to elucidate massacre accusations backfire1. BIBLIOGRAPHY1. 30. Books1. 30. Periodicals1. PREFACEIs it possible that, in the late 1. Japanese men was such that it caused them to stand out from their counterparts in the rest of the world According to charges brought at the Tokyo Trials, after having occupied Nanking in December 1. Japanese soldiers laid waste to the city, hunting down women and raping them, and killing all civilians who crossed their paths. In the brief span of one month, they committed 2. At that time conscription was universal. A soldier on active duty might have been indeed, was the boy next door. The soldiers of 1. I certainly feel an affinity with them, and I found the notion that they committed any such crimes, much less many of them, unimaginable. It was in 1. 98. 2, 4. I decided I couldnt rest until I had discovered what really happened in Nanking. Although nearly a half century had elapsed, quite a few of the survivors of the conflict were alive and well, and in their seventies. I was able to interview many of them about their experiences in Nanking. Most of the units that served in that city were composed of young men from the same prefecture. After I tracked down one veteran of the Battle of Nanking, he would lead me to another See the house beyond that field The man who lives there served with me. But many former soldiers had moved to other parts of Japan in the great transplantation that accompanied postwar economic growth. For instance, an interview with a man now living in Tokyo led me back to his hometown, Sabae, in Fukushima Prefecture. Visit my former comrade there. He should be able to tell you everything you need to know about Nanking. These interviews turned into a five year project that took me all over Japan I conducted over 1. Tohoku, Kanto, Kansai and Kyushu regions, covering about half the nations territory. I failed miserably, however, in my attempt to verify any of the accusations made at the Tokyo Trials. None of the former soldiers I interviewed mentioned any event even remotely resembling them. During discussions about Nanking, some interviewees digress, shifting to the bitter conflict fought in Shanghai. Others mentioned the Battle of Imphal in India the veterans recollections of combat in that region were sharper, since it had taken place after the Battle of Nanking. However, the accusations made by the prosecution at the Tokyo Trials described crimes so horrific that no soldier could forget them, no matter how long ago they had occurred. I concluded that the charges brought at the tribunal had been invented. I was anxious to communicate my discovery to a wide audience, via newspapers and television. I knew how the PRC would react, but nothing the Chinese could say was capable of obliterating the testimonies of more than a hundred men. Not once did I waver in my convictions about the Nanking Incident. However, at that time, Japans media and the PRC had joined together, raising their voices in an endless Nanking massacre chorus, which grew more deafening as the years went by. As I looked back on the 7. I saw a parade of characters marching through history those who made the accusations, those who publicized them, those who used them to their advantage, those who were manipulated by them Chinese, Americans, Japanese. So many people have participated in this drama in so many ways. During those seven decades, the events that actually did take place have become virtually indiscernible. Why were such accusations made How were they disseminated throughout the world Why were they given credence at the Tokyo TrialsHow did the Japanese react to them When did the Republic of China first make those allegationsI realized that to answer these questions, I needed to breathe life once again into the characters and events that shaped this drama at each important stage. This book is the result of that realization. It is my hope that I have also shed light on the truth on events as they actually took place. Ara Kenichi. October 1, 2. Routes to Nanking Taken by Japanese Forcesthe Shanghai Expeditionary Army and the 1. ArmyPHOTOGRAPH CREDITSThe Second Sino Japanese War in Photographs, vol. The Battle for Shanghai Tokyo Asahi Shimbunsha, 1. Chapter 3 pp. 3. Chapter 4 p. History in Photographs The Dawn of a New China, April 1. Chapter 4 pp. 5. Chapter 5 pp. Scaling Steep Cliffs A Story in Photographs Chapter 4pp. CHAPTER 1 JAPANESE FORCES SUSTAIN CRUSHING DEFEAT IN CHIANGS PROPAGANDA WARFor centuries, warfare was waged with weapons, but a new type of warfare psychological warfare emerged in World War I. Its weapon was propaganda, which took the form of books, published and distributed throughout the world pamphlets, dropped by the airplane, another modern innovation and newspaper articles. Propaganda tightened the bonds between allies, attracted new allies, and undermined the enemys will to fight. Jaccuse I accuse, a book written in 1. Germany. France and England, Germanys enemies, arranged for it to be translated into at least 1. French, English and Chinese, and distributed throughout the world. In the latter half of World War I, when fighting between German and French troops was at a standstill, the British dropped leaflets on them from aircraft and hot air balloons. During the last six months of the conflict, 1. European front. Newspapers were used for this same purpose, far more than in the past. The purpose of propaganda then was to create a lasting impression of the enemys brutality upon readers. Leaflets and newspaper articles described enemy atrocities. The British accused the Germans of boiling the bodies of their fallen comrades to distill glycerine for munitions.
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