VGmcFzcbe4a19030a72f6add7-544_634x433.jpg' alt='Pda Formats Origin - Spirits Of The Past Review Film' title='Pda Formats Origin - Spirits Of The Past Review Film' />DNA Testing Suggests Dogs Needed No Convincing to Befriend Humans. Dogs have loved us for thousands of years, despite humanitys many flaws and foibles. New research suggests dogs were domesticated from wolves just oncethats all it might have taken for puppers and people to form an everlasting alliance. The study, which was published online yesterday in Nature Communications, analyzed the genomes of two ancient German doggosone 7,0. The researchers compared their dog DNA data to the genome of a 4,8. Ireland that other scientists had studied in 2. We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. Dogs have loved us for thousands of years, despite humanitys many flaws and foibles. New research suggests dogs were domesticated from wolves just oncethats. In that study, published last year in Science, researchers put forth a dual origin idea that dogs were domesticated from wolves on two separate occasions, in Europe and Asia. But in this recent study, researchers wrote their ancient doggos predominantly shared ancestry with modern European dogs. In other words, there might have actually been a single origin, although the precise location where dogs were first domesticated is still somewhat of a mystery. We came to the conclusion that our data consisting of prehistoric three Neolithic genomes and DNA from thousands of modern dogs from across the world supported only a single domestication event from a group of wolves somewhere in Eurasia sometime between 2. Krishna Veeramah, an assistant professor of ecology and evolution at Stony Brook University, told Gizmodo. In addition, most of the dogs people keep as pets today are likely genetically the descendants of the dogs that lived amongst the first European farmers 7,0. Dogs were the first animal to be domesticated by humans. Our Robocop Remake Online English here. Anyone who owns a cat can tell you that felines were definitely domesticated long afterward. While this new study wont end the argument over how many times dogs were domesticated, it does offer a compelling, simple solution. D438D3000005DC-695_634x424.jpg' alt='Pda Formats Origin - Spirits Of The Past Review Film' title='Pda Formats Origin - Spirits Of The Past Review Film' />If you are a teacher searching for educational material, please visit PBS LearningMedia for a wide range of free digital resources spanning preschool through 12th grade. One the face of it you might think, why is it important that there was one, two, three or even four domestication events Veeramah explained. But if youre trying to find out how and why it occurs, whether it was one or more is important. Humans and wolves have likely lived in the same region for maybe 4. So if the process of domestication only occurred once, this tells us it was likely very hard to do. Humanity is constantly evolving, and has reinvented and embarrassed itself so many ways over the course of thousands of years. But in this ever shifting nebula of chaos we call life, at least one thing remains true the dogs are good. Nature. How Insecure Properly Lights Black Actors. For decades, photo and video equipment was designed and tested with only white subjects in mind. Lighting darker skin tones takes a different approach than lighting pale ones. Ava Berkofsky, director of photography on HBOs Insecure, tells Mic how her team beautifully lights the shows black actors, and Mic reporter Xavier Harding demonstrates some of the techniques below. Good lighting benefits from teamwork involving multiple departments. According to Berkofsky, the makeup department should use a reflective moisturizer on dark faces. The lighting crew should maximize the surface area of light, and the camera crew should shape that light with a polarizing lens. Harding explains some of the racist history of photographic technology, and the marginalizing effect of treating white models as the default use case. Cameras didnt have to be built to capture white skin more easily than dark skin those deficiencies were built into the system by carefully optimizing the technology for white skin alone. As Buzz. Feeds Syreeta Mc. Fadden writes, Kodak only introduced black friendly film stocks after complaints from chocolate and furniture advertisers. On Priceonomics, Rosie Cima talks about how the TV industry accepted and perpetuated this bias, and how filmmakers struggled to overcome it. At Jezebel, Dodai Stewart has explored some contemporary implications of this history, like poor lighting of minorities on high budget shows and films, and apparently white washed magazine photos. Because of conscious choices by the film technology industry, photographers still have to learn special techniques for properly shooting a vast portion of the population. Even in film school, Berkovsky tells Mic, she wasnt taught how to film nonwhite people. Digital photography has provided a lot of solutions, but as Buzz. Feeds Mc. Fadden explains and MIT Media Labs Joy Buolamwini further explores, it inherited a lot of white skin biases. So Insecures Berkovsky has a suggestion for dark skinned people grabbing a selfie Stand by some soft light and turn three quarters toward it. Because looking great on camera isnt just for TV stars and white people.
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