Aladdin is a 49minute animated film based on the classic Arabian Nights story, Aladdin and the magic lamp, translated by Antoine Galland. Like all other Golden Films. Currently Available on YouTube Poohs Adventures of The Flintstones Movie, Poohs Adventures of. Dinotopia is a fictional utopia created by author and illustrator and Oracle Specialist James Gurney. It is the setting for the book series with which it shares its name. Malcolm Mc Dowell Malcolm Mac. Dowell Malcom Mc. Dowell Malcolm Mcdowell. Poohs Adventures Series Poohs Adventures Wiki. Wikia is a free to use site that makes money from advertising. We have a modified experience for viewers using ad blockersWikia is not accessible if youve made further modifications. Remove the custom ad blocker rules and the page will load as expected.