The Top 1. 0 Best Recut Movie Trailers. Youve seen the real films, now watch the films that they could have been. Family friendly comedies transforms into nightmarish horror. Unsettling thrillers turn into lighthearted romps. Stanley Kubrick metamorphosizes into pretty much anything and everything else. Seriously, people love to recut Kubrick. Like NASA did with that moon landing. Movie Trailers Moon Man ' title='Movie Trailers Moon Man ' />Read reviews, watch trailers and clips, find showtimes, view celebrity photos and more on MSN Movies. View the latest movie trailers for many current and upcoming releases. Trailers are available in HD, iPod, and iPhone versions. Now, if youll excuse me, I need to go get punched in the face by Nerdist podcast guest Buzz Aldrin, so kindly direct your attention below at the cornucopia of recut creativity. Monty Python and the Holy Grail as a modern day blockbuster Its difficult to imagine Monty Pythons 1. You. Tubes Stphane Bouley is never one to say die, or Ni for that matter, and the result is this trailer that would be at home amidst the Oblivions and the Elysiums of the world. Jaws as a Disney musical. In the most inspiring, feel good tale of terrifying creatures with inconceivable singing talent since Susan Boyle, 1. Jaws gets a musical makeover from Italianoboyuk, turning it into a whale of a different tale. For that you get the head, the choreography, the whole damn American Idol championshipThe Shining as a romantic comedy. This is a piece of vintage Internet right here, courtesy of neochosen. At seven years old, The Shining recut as a romantic comedy remains one of the single best recut trailers around, especially when the sweet strains of Solsbury Hill kick in. Mrs. Doubtfire as a psychological thriller. Theres nothing inherently creepy about an estranged father wearing prosthetic makeup and a fat suit and pretend to be their new British nanny in order to get closer to them despite losing a custody battle, right We didnt think so either, at least if Robin Williams was involved. Peter Javidpour must have seen Williams at his creepiest in One Hour Photo and realized the truly spine chilling potential that lay untapped in Mrs. Doubtfire. 2. 00. A Space Odyssey as a modern blockbuster. Speaking of Kubrick, didnt you find yourself bored to tears by the boring ass strains of Richard Strauss Also Sprach Zarathustra Film School Rejects did, so they added in the requisite wub wub wubstep that has come to define modern sci fiaction movie trailers. Wait for the drop Im afraid I cant allow you to do that. Back to the Future as a horrorthriller. In the original Back to the Future, Dr. Emmett Brown is a certified kook, to be sure, but hes a lovable kook, like your weird uncle who tells you about his Obama is a Freemason lizardman conspiracy theories at Thanksgiving dinner. But if you tweak the films score and add in some terrifying quick cuts, Doc Brown transforms from absent minded scientist to calculating, control freak killer powered by 1. Watch Online Free One Piece Movie 01: The Great Gold Pirate. Hey Chuck This is Marvin. Your cousin, Marvin Berry. You know that new sound youre looking for Well, listen to this The Ten Commandments as a teen comedy. No list would be complete without the sheer Moses filled majesty of 1. Things I Hate About Commandments, a recut trailer that repurposes the classic 1. Charlton Heston film The Ten Commandments into a raucous teen comedy. The Terminator as a chick flick. Dont let the goofy voiceover throw you this heartfelt twist on Terminator gives Sarah Connor her most difficult choice yet Does she get with her man, a time traveling dreamboat, or a cybernetic murderbot designed only to love. This is a real Sophies Sarahs choice and its only made better by the delightfully hammy soundtrack. Full Metal Jacket as a feelgood movie. What is it about Stanley Kubrick films that just beg for enterprising You. Tubers to recut and remix them Dondrapersayswhat saw past R. Lee Ermeys more colorful phrases and Kubricks ruminations on the futility of war to see Full Metal Jacket for what it really is, an inspirational The Blind Side style tale of a man realizing his true potential thanks to the kindness of others. Willy Wonka the Chocolate Factory as a horror film. To be perfectly honest, Willy Wonka is already pretty goddamn scary when you think about it. Hes like the X Men villain Arcade, except his X Men are children and his Murderworld is full of candy. And that psychedelic boat rideJesus Taffy Christ, thats some unnerving stuff. Thankfully, Sabbz. Gene Wilder classic as something far more sinister. Secret eleventh video Mary Poppins as a horror movie. The recut trailer that kicked off this whole craze. Were not putting this one on the official list because its in a class all by itself. A seriously scary class.
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