Movie Dvd Bleach: The Diamonddust Rebellion

Movie Dvd Bleach: The Diamonddust Rebellion

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Bleach Bleach Wiki FANDOM powered by Wikia. Bleach, Burchi romanized as BLEACH in Japan is a manga series authored by Tite Kubo that appeared in the Weekly Shonen Jump magazine from August 2. August 2. 01. 6. Bleach follows the adventures of Ichigo Kurosaki, a high school student with the ability to see ghosts. The early parts of the story focus mainly on the characters. As events unfold, the story begins to delve deeper into the world of these gods of death. The manga series has been adapted into an animated television series, two OVAs, four animated feature films, a rock musical, numerous video games and a Trading Card Game. A live action movie adaptation was announced in the 2. August 2. 01. 6 edition of WSJ, coinciding with the release of the mangas final chapter. Bleach Movie 1 Memories of Nobody 2006 Bleach Movie 2 The DiamondDust Rebellion 2007 Gekijban Bleach Fade to Black Kimi no Na o Yobu. Appearances In the Bleach manga and anime series. Hitsugaya lived with his grandmother and with Momo Hinamori, whom he considers a very close friend. Hitsugaya. A compilation of volumes of the manga have sold over 5. Japan, and have reached the top of manga sales charts in the United States. The manga received the Shogakukan Manga Award in 2. American Anime Awards. Introduction. See also ChaptersĀ and Episodes. The story opens with the sudden appearance of Shinigami. Rukia Kuchiki in Ichigo Kurosakis bedroom. She is surprised at his ability to see her, but their conversation is shortly interrupted by the appearance of a Hollow, an evil spirit. After Rukia is severely wounded while trying to protect Ichigo, she attempts to transfer half her powers to Ichigo in order to let him face the Hollow on equal footing. Ichigo instead unintentionally absorbs almost all her energy, allowing him to defeat the Hollow with ease. The next day Rukia appears in Ichigos classroom as a seemingly normal Human, and informs Ichigo that his absorption of her powers has left her stranded in the Human World until she recovers her strength. In the meantime Ichigo shelters Rukia in his home and takes over her job as a Shinigami, battling Hollows and guiding lost souls to Soul Society. After a few months of this arrangement, in the sixth volume of the series, Rukias Shinigami superiors interpret her disappearance as desertion, send a detachment to arrest her, and sentence her to death. Ichigo is unable to stop Rukias capture, but with the help of several of his classmates who also possess spiritual abilities and ex Shinigami Kisuke Urahara, he sets off for the Shinigami base, located in the afterlife realm known as Soul Society. Once there, Ichigo and company battle against the elites of the Shinigami military, and are ultimately successful in halting Rukias execution. It is then revealed that Rukias execution and Ichigos rescue attempt were both manipulated by Ssuke Aizen, a high ranking Shinigami previously believed to be murdered, as part of a far reaching plot to take control of Soul Society. Aizen betrays his fellow Shinigami and allies himself with the Hollows, becoming the main antagonist of the series, and Ichigo teams up with his former enemies in Soul Society after learning that the next step in Aizens plan involves the destruction of his home town. The Gotei 1. 3 unite to defeat Aizen and the Arrancar but are unable to stop Aizen in the Fake Karakura Town they created. Ichigo eventually defeats Aizen in Soul Society at the cost of his Shinigami powers. Seventeen months later, Ichigo is approached by a mysterious organization of Fullbringers known as Xcution with an offer to help him recover his lost powers in order to transfer their own and become normal humans however, it is revealed their true objective is to steal Ichigos Fullbring in order to empower their own by orchestating a massive manipulation of his family and acquaintances. Ichigo regains his powers thanks to Rukia and the Gotei 1. Xcution and the former first Substitute Shinigami, Kgo Ginj, killing him. Bleach then entered its final story arc, which chronicles a war between Soul Society and an army of Quincy known as the Wandenreich. Quincy, Yhwach, the Wandenreich devastated Soul Society and put the balance of the various worlds at risk by killing the Soul King. The Royal Guard, Gotei 1. Icihgos group battle against the odds to overcome Yhwachs future altering abilities and save their homes. It was announced that the manga would end with chapter 6. August 2. 01. 6 edition of WSJ. Characters. All Bleach characters are souls. Living Humans contain souls within their bodies, while disembodied souls, or spirits, have a form composed of particles of Reiryoku called Reishi, Spirit Particles, which otherwise mimics Human anatomy, aside from incredibly slowed aging Rukia appears to be in her teens, yet is over 1. This form encompasses all of the spirits being there is no distinction between spirit and body. There are a variety of different types of spirits in Bleach, each with a different visual theme and approach to combat. Main characters. See also Characters. Ichigo Kurosaki. The primary protagonist of Bleach, orange haired high school freshman Ichigo Kurosaki is forced to become a Substitute Shinigami after unwittingly absorbing most of Rukias powers. His cynical nature at first makes him ill disposed towards the duty, but with the passage of time he comes to accept and welcome it, recognizing that even if he is not able to save everyone, he can at least use his skills to protect those close to him. Rukia Kuchiki. Rukia Kuchiki is a Shinigami who was sent on a Hollow extermination patrol in Ichigos home town. Though her physical appearance is that of a teenage girl, in reality she is over 1. Rukia is forced to transfer her power to Ichigo and assume a temporary lifestyle as a regular Human. She registers at the local high school and takes up residence in Ichigos closet, while teaching him how to be a substitute Shinigami in her place. Orihime Inoue Orihime Inoue is a long time classmate of Ichigo, linked to him by mutual friend Tatsuki Arisawa. She her elder brother Sora ran away from their abusive parents at a young age, and her brother later died. Though initially devoid of spiritual powers, she begins to develop spiritual awareness and later obtains one of the most powerful healing abilities in the Bleach universe, able to completely restore a body to its previous state regardless of how severely it is wounded. It is not technically a healing ability, however. She has the ability to reject what happened to an object or area, making it as if nothing ever happened. Ury Ishida Though on the surface nothing more than the solitary class genius, Ury Ishida is actually a Quincy, descendant of a line of priest like Hollow hunting archers. Movie Dvd Bleach: The Diamonddust Rebellion ' title='Movie Dvd Bleach: The Diamonddust Rebellion ' />He bears a deep grudge against all Shinigami, including Ichigo, but comes to view Ichigo differently over time, eventually becoming an ally and friendly rival. His father refuses to have anything to do with the Quincy, so he receives training from his grandfather, until his grandfather is killed. Yasutora Sado. Yasutora Sado, better known as Chad, is one of Ichigos few friends at school. He is a biracial JapaneseMexican student who towers over his classmates. Despite his imposing appearance he is quite meek, and refuses to fight unless it is for the sake of another. He does not have awareness of ghosts at first, but can still touch Hollows, and eventually is able to see them when he witnesses a group of children being attacked by a Hollow. He later discovers a unique ability that strengthens and armors his right arm, enabling him to fight Hollows. Renji Abarai Renji Abarai is an elite Shinigami bearing the rank of 6th Division Lieutenant, making him second in command of a sub branch of the Shinigami armed forces. Although first introduced as a deadly enemy, he has conflicting loyalties between his job and Rukia, whom he grew up with. A brash and driven man, he holds both a deep respect and animosity towards his immediate superior, 6th Division Captain Byakuya Kuchiki. Character types. Human The Humans of Bleach are much like the residents of modern Japan, and most cannot see or sense disembodied spirits in any way. Bleach manga i anime Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia. Bleachjap. ,Burchi shnenmanga napisana i ilustrowana przez Tite Kubo. Kolejne rozdziay ukazyway si co tydzie w magazynie Shkan Shnen Jump. Manga powstawaa od 2. Na podstawie mangi stworzony zosta rwnie serial anime, ktrego odcinki ukazyway si co tydzie w okresie od 5 padziernika 2. W Polsce mang od padziernika 2. Japonica Polonica Fantastica. Do czerwca 2. 01. Emisja serialu w Polsce rozpocza si 1. Hyper. Pod nazw Bleach wyemitowano odcinki w dwch seriach 1 2. Bleach 2, stacja Hyper rozpocza emisj serii odcinkw 5. Premiera kolejnych 2. Trzecia seria miaa premier w styczniu 2. Od dnia 2 maja 2. Hyper wyemitowa 2. Wersj polsk z napisami opracowao Studio Publishing. Akcja anime ma miejsce w fikcyjnym, podtokijskim miecie, Karakura jap. Opowiada o przygodach 1. Ichigo Kurosakiego i jego towarzyszki, Rukii Kuchiki, ktra pewnego dnia pojawia si w jego yciu. Zaskoczona faktem, i Ichigo potrafi j dostrzec, co dla przecitnego miertelnika jest niemoliwe, tumaczy, e jest Shinigami Bogiem mierci i ciga ze istoty zwane Hollowami. Kurosaki nie wierzy w jej opowie, dopki chwil pniej jego dom nie zostaje zaatakowany przez jednego z Holloww. Rukia, starajc si obroni jego rodzin, zostaje ranna i przekazuje Ichigo swoj moc, w wyniku czego staje si on Zastpczym Shinigami jap. Shinigami Daik. W ten sposb rozpoczyna si przygoda Rukii z Ichigo. Pocztkowo fabua skupia si przede wszystkim na stopniowym wprowadzaniu i przedstawianiu gwnych bohaterw, a take zapoznaniu widza z realiami wiata. Rukia, nie mogc wrci do Soul Society z powodu utraty wasnej mocy, decyduje si pozosta w cigym kontakcie z chopcem. W tym celu podszywa si pod uczennic z jego klasy. Jako stworzenie duchowe aden Shinigami nie posiada materialnej powoki, przez co zostaje zmuszona do posuenia si sztucznym ciaem jap. Gigai, ang. faux body. Strony konfliktuedytujShinigami jap., dos. Buy The Cat Returns The Movie On Dvd. Bogowie mierci obrocy ludzkoci i pogromcy zych duchw. Nie posiadaj ciaa materialnego, przez co s niewidoczni dla przecitnego czowieka. Prowadz nieustajc walk z istotami zwanymi Hollow. Kady Shinigami posiada swj miecz Zanpakut dos. Miecz cinajcy dusze i potrafi w rnym stopniu posugiwa si czterema technikami przydatnymi na polu bitwy walki broni, walki wrcz, technik poruszania si i demoniczn magi jap. Kid. Quincy jap. ,Kuinsh, dos. Niszczyciele grupa ludzi, ktra jest w stanie dostrzec byty duchowe. Walcz za pomoc broni tworzonych z energii. Podczas gdy Shinigami funkcjonuj korzystajc wycznie z wasnej energii, Quincy absorbuj j z otoczenia. Poza tym Shinigami zabijajc ze duchy, oczyszczaj ich dusze, co pozwala Hollowom na przejcie do Soul Society. Techniki Quincy za cakowicie niszcz te dusze. Metoda pozbywania si duchw przez Quincy narusza rwnowag Wszechwiata, gdy poprzez ich dziaania bilans iloci dusz na wiecie bezpowrotnie maleje. Ten fakt zadecydowa o tym, i okoo 2. Shinigami zniszczyli klan Quincy. Mimo to, poza Ury Ishid, pozosta przynajmniej jeszcze jeden yjcy Quincy Ryken Ishida, jego ojciec. W sadze Tysicletnia Krwawa Wojna okazuje si, e jeszcze kilkunastu o ile nie kilkudziesiciu Quincych przeyo masakr zgotowan im przez Shinigamich. Zaoyli oni organizacj pod nazw Wandenreich i pod wodz swojego lidera nazwiskiem Yhwach postanowili zniszczy Soul Society. Opracowali w tym celu wiele nowych technik i technologii, czego najlepszym przykadem jest technika Quincy Vollstndig oraz medalion do kradziey Bankai. Bount jap. ,Baunto rasa wystpujca jedynie w anime. Powstali za spraw Shinigami RanTao wczesnej dowodzcej 1. Prowadzia ona eksperymenty majce na celu midzy innymi osignicie wiecznej modoci. Wikszo przedstawicieli tej rasy zgina podczas eksterminacji przeprowadzonej przez Shinigami. Ci, ktrym udao si przetrwa, zmuszeni byli do ycia w ukryciu. Bountw mona porwna do wampirw, gdy wykazuj podobne do nich zainteresowanie ludmi. Od wampirw odrnia je fakt, e nie ywi si ludzk krwi, lecz wysysaj z nich energi yciow jap. Reiatsuwystpujc w wiecie ywych jedynie w duszach, ktra jest rdem ich mocy. Mimo e w ich krgach przez wieki zabronione byo pochanianie dusz ywych ludzi, Bounci majc na uwadze wysze cele, zamali pierwotne zakazy. Kady z Bountw posiada Lalk jap. Dru, ktra peni funkcj ich broni. Kada Lalka ma inn form, jak rwnie zdolnoci. Stworzone s z ywiow i w mniejszym lub wikszym stopniu kontroluj jeden z nich. Lalki s posuszne swoim wacicielom, lecz wykazuj take woln wol i uczucia. Kiedy Bount traci swoj si, lalka obraca si przeciwko niemu. Znani Bounci Jin Kariyajap. Kariya Jin przywdca Bountw, najsilniejszy wrd nich. G Kogajap. ,Koga G prawa rka Kariyi. Sawatarijap. ,Sawatari postarza si zewntrznie, kiedy zaabsorbowa du ilo dusz ywych ludzi. Yoshino Smajap. ,Sma Yoshino bya ona Jina Kariyi, zbuntowaa si przeciwko niemu, nie mogc patrze na to, jak atakuje ludzi. Mabashijap. ,Mabashi posiada lalk, ktra potrafi kontrolowa ciao przeciwnika. Ugakijap. ,Ugaki dowodzi obron Bountw na Ziemi. Banjap. ,Ban i Hjap. H bracia bliniacy, ich ywio to woda. Ry Utagawajap. ,Udagawa Ry bya prawa rka Kariyi, Bount majcy wygrowane ambicje bycia przywdc rodu. Cain Naojap. ,Nao Kein byy podopieczny G Koga, zgin zaraz po poznaniu swojej Lalki. Yoshijap. ,Yoshi jedna z dwch ocalaych kobiet Baunt, silna, majca Lalk wadajc ogniem i powietrzem. Visored jap. ,Vaizdo, dos. Zamaskowana Armia s swoistym przeciwiestwem Arrancarw, Shinigami, ktrzy przyswoili moc Holloww. Ich wygld prawie niczym nie rni si od ludzkiego. W przeciwiestwie do Arrancara, Visored nie posiada dziury w klatce piersiowej, lecz przybiera czciowo posta Hollowa mask. Przywoujc ow mask, zyskuj nadzwyczajn si, prdko, wytrzymao oraz zdolno posugiwania si Cero pociskami energetycznymi. Visored jako byy Shinigami posiada wasny Zanpakut. Motywy tej organizacji to pokonanie Ssuke Aizena. Ponad 1. 00 lat przed wydarzeniami przedstawionymi w Bleachu stanowili czowk Gotei 1. Hollowami zostali wskutek eksperymentw Aizena. Dziki pomocy Kisuke Urahary czciowo wrcili do swoich poprzednich postaci, a proces zamiany w Holloww, ktremu byli poddani ustpi. Aby unikn egzekucji ze strony Soul Society s zmuszeni ukrywa si na Ziemi. Po odkryciu swoich mocy Hollowa, gwny bohater udaje si do ich siedziby na trening. Visoredzi pomagaj mu opanowa ow now moc. Arrancar jap. ,Arankaru, hiszp. Zerwana maska to rasa, ktr wzmocni byy kapitan 5 oddziau w Soul Society. Ssuke Aizen za pomoc artefaktu, zwanego Hgyoku maa, czarna kula o wielkiej mocy stworzona przez Urahar i ukryta w ciele Rukii. S to Hollowowie, ktrzy zdobyli moc Shinigami i zdjli swoje maski. Arrancarzy istnieli ju przed odejciem Aizena z Soul Society, lecz byo ich niewielu. S przeciwiestwem Vizardw. Arrancarzy s oznakowani numerami. Kryterium, wedle ktrego numery zostaj przydzielane, jest sia jednostki. Espadajap. ,Esupda, hiszp. Dziesi mieczy s najbardziej uprzywilejowani i najsilniejsi spord wszystkich Arrancarw. Kady czonek Espady jest wybierany na podstawie iloci energii duchowej Reiatsu i zostaj im przydzielone numery od 0 do 9 okrelajce ich rang i si 0 najsilniejszy, 9 najsabszy. Wyjtkiem jest Yammy Llargo, ktry jako jedyny w Espadzie posiada przypisane dwa numery. S to numery 0, ktry ukazuje si dopiero po uwolnieniu jego Resurreccin oraz numer 1. Numery s wytatuowane na ciele czonka Espady. Espada kontroluje reszt Nmeros i jest odpowiednikiem rangi kapitaskiej jap. Taich w Gotei 1. Nmerosjap. Numerosu, hiszp. Posiadacze numerw s specjalistami od walki.

Movie Dvd Bleach: The Diamonddust Rebellion
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