LEGO Star Wars The Freemaker Adventures is a LEGO animated television series that debuted on. Lego Star Wars is a Lego theme that incorporates the Star Wars saga. Originally it was only licensed from 19992008, but the Lego Group extended the license with. The Freemakers are a family of scavengers who operate a salvage and repair shop in space. They include Kordi Freemaker, who manages the family business ace pilot and starship enthusiast Zander Freemaker and their adventurous Force sensitive younger brother Rowan Freemaker. The droid, R0 GR Roger, is a refurbished B1 battle droid. The Freemaker Adventures introduces a number of new characters including the Sith agent Naare1. Huttcrime lord. Graballa. The series also utilizes a number of characters from the Star Wars movies, including Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine, and Dengar. Zander Freemaker. Edit. Zander is the eldest sibling5 in the Freemaker family. He is an ace pilot and a skilled mechanic who has a passion for starships. He is quick and agile, but always seems to find trouble where ever he goes, but he protects his family as best as he can. The character is voiced by American actor Eugene Byrd. Creator Bob Roth modeled the eighteen year old Zander after his car nut of an older son. Kordi Freemaker. Edit. Kordi is the middle sibling5 in the Freemaker family and the leader of the scavenging operation. She is a self described tomboy, a tough fighter, and a quick witted negotiator who is able to talk her and her brothers way out of a trouble. She is a caring sister who loves her brothers very much and will do almost anything to have them safe. Kordi is voiced by Canadian actress Vanessa Lengies. Roth characterized Kordis role as keeping the other two knuckleheads her brothers in line. Rowan Freemaker. Edit. Rowan is the Force sensitive youngest sibling5 in the Freemaker family. An adventurous twelve year old, he has a knack for getting himself and his family into trouble, especially when hunting for the Kyber Crystals. Rowan was voiced by child actor Nicolas Cantu. Roth based the character Rowan on his own twelve year old and posited the scenario of a Jedi having to train a kid whos an unfocused bundle of energy. R0 GR RogerEdit. Roger is a refurbished B1 battle droid who is programmed to serve as Rowans buddy. He is a friendly but misunderstood simpleton. Roger is a capable thinker when the time calls for it and he loves being with his adopted family, the Freemakers. Roger is voiced by Lucasfilm sound director Matthew Wood, who had previously worked as a voice actor for the B1 battle droids in the Prequel trilogy and the animated television series Star Wars The Clone Wars. Wood described playing a battle droid character with a major character arc for the first time as a dream come true. Development. Edit. Bill Motz and Bob Roth, the creators of The Freemaker Adventures. Conception. EditHumor is important, but the drama is also important. The stakes are real. Theres real jeopardy. The fate of the galaxy is at stake. We want our characters to handle the dramatic as well as the funny. Bill MotzsrcLEGO Star Wars The Freemaker Adventures was created by Bill Motz and Bob Roth. The two men first conceived the idea for The Freemaker Adventures while attending the 2. San Diego Comic Con. During a party, Motz and Roth overheard that The Walt Disney Company was interested in producing a LEGO Star Wars animated show. Moth and Roth wanted to produce a television series that incorporated the Star Wars films. Over a dinner table conversation, Motz and Roth fleshed out the idea of a family of scavengers who collected scrap from Clone Wars battles prior to the events of Return of the Jedi. The two creators took care to incorporate several classic Star Wars characters into their story including Princess. Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, and Emperor Palpatine. Metz characterized Vader and the Emperor as the out of touch, detached upper management of the galaxy. From the onset, Motz and Roth wanted The Freemaker Adventures to be tonally different from the previous LEGO Star Wars television series and games which had taken a parody driven approach towards the Star Wars saga. Production. EditA touch of humor. Were allowed to play with them. Its like creating a side Star Wars universe that creates a freedom. Michael Hegner responding to a question about the difference between Star Wars and LEGO designsrcErik Varszegi and the Freemaker Garage model. The Freemaker Adventures was jointly produced by the LEGO Group, Lucasfilm, Disney,5 and Wil Film. Torsten Jacobson and Jill Wilfert served as the animated television shows executive producers while Carrie Beck, Jason Cosler, Jake Blais, and John Mc. The Full Deconstructing Dad: The Music, Machines And Mystery Of Raymond Scott Cartoon. Cormack served as producers. Michael Hegner, Jens Mller, Martin Skov, Frederik Budolph Larsen, and Per Risager directed several episodes. According to Hegner, the production team adapted the classic Star Wars sets to LEGO by making them smaller in order to fit the LEGO tone and scale. The illustrator and art director Doug Chiang helped design objects such as the Hutt antagonist Graballas starship Rancors Fist. LEGOs Lead Model Designer Erik Varszegi also built a scale model of the Freemakers Garage using LEGO bricks. The veteran Lucasfilm sound editor Matthew Wood, who also voiced the protagonist Roger, was responsible for designing sound for the entire show including the Freemakers starship Star. Scavenger and their garage. Wood used a specialized computer digital processor to create the voice of Roger. While recording the show, Wood spoke in his normal voice but used the computer program to augment his voice during the post recording process. Wood used this same digital process when voicing the battle droids in the Prequels and The Clone Wars animated series. The podracer sequence in the seventh episode Race on Tatooine was modeled after the Boonta Eve Classic from The Phantom Menace. The music score for Freemaker Adventures was composed by Michael Kramer, who recorded the television shows score during a live orchestra.