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Previously, we knew that the very first Pokmon Go Fest event would give players rare prizes for capturing monsters and doing raids. Turns out, the prizes are gonna. Accessible DVDs for Sale Media Access Group. The following programs which originally aired on PBS have been released on DVD with optional descriptive narration tracks and captioning. All but a few can be purchased by following the links below to the product page on Amazon. The remaining discs listed can be purchased directly from PBS at the toll free number listed under the disc title. Funny Comedian Videos Monsters Vs. Aliens ' title='Funny Comedian Videos Monsters Vs. Aliens ' />Description of many PBS programs is funded by a grant to the Media Access Group from the U. S. Department of Education. Amazon. com Associates Program. WGBHs Media Access Group is an Amazon Associate, which means that when you click through our site to purchase movies or TV shows on DVD from Amazon, we receive a small portion 4 of the revenue. As a nonprofit organization addressing media access barriers of all kinds, we would be grateful for the financial support you would provide through your purchases. Go directly to the list of described PBS programs available from Amazon. Link to lists of described programs which are broadcast on PBS, CBS, Nickelodeon and Turner Classic Movies cable network. Movie Studios Releasing Films on DVD with Description. Several movie studios are now releasing DVD and Blu rays discs of mainstream films with the descriptive narration track created for theaterical release. Go to the list of described movies available from Amazon. What You Can Do. We continue to work with additional PBS series producers, commercial network producers and movie studios home entertainment divisions to encourage them to make their releases fully accessible through the inclusion of descriptive narration as well as captioning. If you want to help demonstrate to the producers, television networks and Web services that offer streaming and downloadable movies that there really is a market and engaged audience for described media, heres a list of major Hollywood studios to contact If you want to advocate for more TV programs to be released on DVD, and available to download or stream, please write to us at access wgbh. Meanwhile, bookmark this page and check back often for newly released discs with DVS. Choose a category. For Kids History Documentary Drama and Mystery Science Miscellaneous. For KidsUnrated 2. DVD, WGBH BOSTON StudiosIncludes 4 great adventures Binky Goes Nuts, Breezy Listening Blues, Arthur Weighs In, and The Law of the Jungle Gym. Binky Goes Nuts When Binky discovers that hes allergic to peanuts, he has so many questions Will he be forced to live without Chinese food Will he ever again be able to eat with his friends And most importantly, will his Mom ever calm down Binky learns that the best way not to go nuts is to be well informed and to understand his allergy. Breezy Listening Blues Much to his horror, Brain gets a B on a test. Thats only one grade above a C What caused this disaster Could it be the new. Breezy Listening background music playing at the Ice Cream Shop Brain is determined to get to the bottom of this before he loses whats left of his. IQ. Arthur Weighs In When Arthur doesnt fit into his costume for the play, hes shocked to learn that hes gotten husky sized. Now hes serious about getting in shape. Will he turn to an all protein diet Eat only herbs and berries Or will he try something really radical. The Law of the Jungle Gym Muffy found the perfect place to take pictures with her new digital camera the jungle gym. Unfortunately, its Tough Customer territory, and Molly wants to bully Muffy right out of her new studio. But Crosswires do not compromise Or. Based on the best selling childrens books by Marc Brown, Arthur chronicles the adventures of the worlds most famous aardvark, eight year old Arthur Read, and his family and friends. In episodes that never moralize or talk down to kids, Arthur and his friends encounter the joys and difficulties that all kids experience. From telling the truth to wetting the bed, Arthur manages to handle each situation with imagination, kindness, and humor. The series also models the joys and rewards of literacy by presenting the many ways kidsand adultsincorporate reading and writing into their lives. Unrated 2. DVD, WGBH BOSTON StudiosArthurs best buddy Binky Barnes is about to go through a serious life change Hes going to become a big brother No, his parents arent having another. But this is no ordinary adoption, since Binkys new kid sister is coming all the way from China This is the story of Binky. China to meet their new family member and how they learn about a different culture as well. BIG BROTHER BINKY is an animated spinoff. ARTHUR series and is a great way to introduce children to a complex topic. It is also a humorous and entertaining TV show that has charmed. Unrated 2. 01. 1 DVD, PBS Home VideoHooray for Health includes Arthur s Chicken Pox Sick as a Dog Arthur s Tooth D. W. Gets Lost D. W., The Picky Eater Buster and the Dare. Devils and Just Desserts The Big Dig. Unrated 2. DVD Set, WGBH BOSTON StudiosBased on the best selling childrens books by Marc Brown and a Daytime Emmy Award Winner for Outstanding Childrens Animated Program, Arthur chronicles. Arthur Read, and his family and friends. In episodes that never moralize or talk down. Arthur and his friends encounter the joys and difficulties that all kids experience. From keeping secrets to going to the hospital, Arthur manages. WGBH has announced the first season set for Arthur season 1. This 5 disc set includes 1. This DVD set includes 1. Download Karas: The Prophecy Movie Online. Happy Anniversary 2. The Squirrels Fern and Persimmony Glitchet 3. Desert Island Dish The Secret About Secrets 4. Feeling Flush Family Fortune 5. D. W. Aims High Flaw and Order 6. The Curse of the Grebes Arthur Changes Gears 7. Unfinished D. W., Bossy Boots 8. Binky Vs. Binky Operation D. W. 9. Do You Speak George World Girls 1. Whats Cooking Busters Special Delivery Special features include bullet Downloadable teaching materials, including the Lets Read English and in Spanish bullet The Arthur at the Library interactive activity guide for childrens librarians, and story starter and picture cards in English and in Spanish bullet Access to the Arthur Web site bullet Closed captions bullet Described video for the visually impaired. Unrated 2. DVD Set, WGBH BOSTON StudiosBased on the best selling childrens books by Marc Brown and a Daytime Emmy Award Winner for Outstanding Childrens Animated Program, Arthur chronicles. Arthur Read, and his family and friends. In episodes that never moralize or talk down. Arthur and his friends encounter the joys and difficulties that all kids experience. Includes all 1. 0 Episodes of Season 1. Swept Away Germophobia. Arthur Sells Out Mind Your Manners. Buenas Noches, Vicita Prunella Packs It In. Phony Fern Brains Shocking Secret. Baby Kate and the Imaginary Mystery Strangers on a Train. The Making of Arthur Dancing Fools. Hic or Treat Mr. Alwaysright. Francines Pilfered Paper Buster Gets Real. D. W. on Ice Spoiled Rotten. Big Brother Binky bulletUnrated DVD Set, WGBH BOSTON StudiosBased on the best selling childrens books by Marc Brown and a Daytime Emmy Award Winner for Outstanding Childrens Animated Program, Arthur chronicles. Arthur Read, and his family and friends. In episodes that never moralize or talk down. Arthur and his friends encounter the joys and difficulties that all kids experience. Box set includes 1. Discs 1. Prunella Sees The Light 2. The World of Tomorrow 3. Elwood City Turns 1. Ants In Arthurs Pants 5. Cast AwayUnrated DVD Set, PBS DirectArthurs Music Jamboree includes. Arthur Plays the Blues Busters Sweet Success Although Arthurs beloved piano teacher is retiring, she assures him that the new teacher is outstanding and famous, too Then Arthur meets Dr. Fugue whos as strict as he is odd and begins to doubt his own abilities.
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