Jane Francesca Agnes, Lady Wilde ne Elgee 27 December 1821 3 February 1896 was an Irish poet under the pen name Speranza and supporter of the nationalist. US Edition Designed for the classroom, this resource book spiral bound for easy photocopying contains activities and exercises to help the teaching of Macbeth. Oscar Wilde, Writer Dorian Gray. A gifted poet, playwright and wit, Oscar Wilde was a phenomenon in 19thcentury England. He was illustrious for preaching the. Synopsis, cast and crew, user comments and ratings, awards, distribution details, and links. CBSE Assignments of English, CBSE Class XI English Long Reading Text Concepts and Assignments. CBSE important concepts and questions for chapter Long Reading Text. Works by or about Oscar Wilde bibliography in libraries WorldCat catalog Works by Oscar Wilde at Project Gutenberg Works by Oscar Wilde at LibriVox public domain. CBSE Class XI English Long Reading Text Concepts and Assignments, English Assignments and Practice Questions for all CBSE and NCERT classes and subjects, CBSE, CBSE Guess Papers, CBSE Sample Paper. CBSE important concepts and questions for chapter Long Reading Text in CBSE Class XI English. Based on CBSE and CCE guidelines. The students should read these basic concepts and practice the assignments to gain perfection which will help them to get more marks in CBSE examination. SECTION ELong Reading Text Novel 1. Marks. With a view to inculcate the habit of reading among the students, CBSE has introduced compulsory reading of a Long Reading Text Novel in the English Core Course and will be evaluated in both. Formative and Summative Assessments. Download Oscar Wilde`S The Canterville Ghost Online ' title='Download Oscar Wilde`S The Canterville Ghost Online ' />The long reading text prescribed for class XI is 1. The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde unabridged version 1. Editionor. 2. Up From Slavery by Booker T. Washington 2. 00. Edition. KVS has recommended The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde to be followed in all KVs for uniformity. There will be two long answer questions on the theme, plot, character and incidents from the prescribed. Novel. Question 1. Long Answer Question Approximately 1. Words 0. 8 Marks. Question 1. 3 Long Answer Question Approximately 1. Watch Tinker Bell And The Legend Of The Neverbeast Online. Words 0. 7 Marks. Oscar Wildes The Canterville Ghost is written in such a way that the story, in spite of being about a ghost, does not scare the readers, instead it makes them laugh. Comment. Answer The Centerville Ghost does not scare readers, instead it makes them laugh. Despite the attempts made by Sir Simon who is the ghost in the story to appear in the most scary guises, the family refuses to be frightened, and Sir Simon feels increasingly helpless and humiliated. When Mrs. Otis notices a mysterious red mark on the floor, she simply replies that she does not at all care for blood stains in the sitting room. When Mrs. Umney, the housekeeper, informs Mrs. Otis that the blood stain is indeed evidence of the ghost and cannot be removed, Washington Otis, the eldest son, suggests that the stain be removed with Pinkertons Champion Stain Remover and Paragon Detergent A quick fix, like the Tammany Rising Sun Lubricator, and a practical way of dealing with the problem. The most humorous character in the story is undoubtedly the ghost himself, Sir Simon, who goes about his duties with theatrical elegance and talent. He assumes a series of dramatic roles in his failed attempts to impress and terrify the Otises, making it easy to imagine him as a comical character in a stage play. The ghost has the ability to change forms, so he taps into his range of tricks. He takes the role of ghostly apparitions such as a Headless Earl, a Strangled Babe, the Blood Sucker of Bexley Moor, Jonas the Graveless, Suicides Skeleton, and the Corpse Snatcher of Chertsey Barn, all having succeeded in horrifying previous castle residents over the centuries. But none of them works with these Americans. Sir Simon schemes, but even as his costumes become increasingly ghostly, his antics do nothing to scare his house guests, and the Otises succeed in failing him every time. He falls victim to trip wires, pea shooters, butter slides, andfalling buckets of water. In a particularly comical scene, he is frightened by the sight of a ghost, rigged up by the mischievous twins. In this way, The Centerville Ghost, makes the readers laugh all the way instead of making them squeeze in horror. The Canterville Ghost is study in contrast. Justify the statement. Ans. The story of The Canterville Ghost is the embodiment of contrasts. The story begins with the plot where American Characters wish to settle down in European context. The story provides insights into the worlds of European conservatism American rationalism. Mr. Otis is a representative character of American culture who wants to believe only in the present, mirroring a practical, pragmatic and capitalist point of view in every sphere of life. On the other hand, Lord Canterville and Mrs. Umney belong to the European culture and they are determined to safeguard their traditions and customs faithfully without verifying the authenticity and practical value of it. The writer has used gentle humour to point out the human foibles that make human beings superstitious, blind follower of culture and narrow minded. In the present story, the writer wants to show the contrast and difference between the two cultures in their way of thinking as well in their way of life. Virginia establishes empathy with the ghost and the ghost narrates his tragedy of isolated life that keeps his past alive and haunted. She has held a composite dialogue with the ghost. As a result, the ghost repents of his misdeed. It contrasts with the behaviour of the rest of the family members. The author satirizes American capitalism and superior complexity and he makes fun of British puritanism and traditionalism. Member of the Otis family always laughs at the eccentric nature of the ghost without taking into account the miserable condition of the ghost. They do not respect and try to study the value of the British tradition. It shows their conceit. Virginia holds a composite dialogue to bring two cultures together. Justify it. Value based question. Ans. VALUE POINTS She represents the positive view of young generation. Believes in dialogue to understand others problem. Established empathy with the person the ghost who always remained in the past escapes from the reality, Restores faith in the ghost through interaction Made the ghost realize his misdeed. Conduit between two culture way of life Cross cultural understanding Mouth piece of the writer Aspiration of the new generation to be inclusive. Doesnt neglect the traditions of Europe, respects them try to understand. The Canterville Ghost mirrors the mindset of a middle class family. Discuss it. Ans. VALUE POINTS Otis family showing off their modernism, fearlessness, superior complexity, American Capitalism Prefer material things to traditional values The Ghost egoism, way to repent on his misdeed, male domination, sticking to tradition without any sense Sir Simon murdered his wife because she was not a good cook, nor could do repair work. Describe the universal message of the story. Value based questionAns. VALUE POINTS Cross cultural understanding Excessive belief in tradition and customs make the person superstitious and blind follower Traditions keep the past alive The Ghost is the imagination of bankrupt mind Through composite dialogue solve any problem Modern outlook and challenging nature, pragmatism always challenge the nonsense customs and rituals Egoism of capitalism and puritanism of Europe conflict. Question 1. 3 Long Answer Question Approximately 1. Words 0. 7 Marks. How does the writer justify that the place is hauntedAns. The Canterville Ghost is well designed and imaginative product of a creative mind of Oscar Wilde. The Canterville Ghost is not just a suspense story of ghost but also it is the great example to give a universal message through word woven. The following are the examples, incidents and action that may prove that the place has been haunted. The Ghost has been seen by many a person and there was a man who can be trusted by one and all witnessed the appearance of the ghost. He was nothing but the Rector of the Parish, the Rev. Augustus Dampier. Secondly the grandmother of Lord canteville felt unconscious when two skeleton hands were placed on her shoulder. Moreover, Lady Canterville often had very little sleep at night. Mrs. Umney always found blood stains on the carpet. The rankling of the chain heard by Mr. Otis, one who did not believe in the superstitiousness. The disappearance of Virginia made the Otis family confirmed about the presence of the Ghost. These are the examples described by the writer to justify that the place is haunted. Do you think that The Canterville Ghost is just a ghost storyThe Canterville Ghost TV Movie 1. Edit. When a teenaged girl moves to England, with her brothers and parents into the ancient Canterville Hall, shes not at all happy. Especially as theres a ghost and a mysterious re appearing bloodstain on the hearth. She campaigns to go back home, and her dad, believing the ghosts pranks are Ginnys, is ready to send her back. But then Ginny actually meets the elusive 1. Sir Simon de Canterville not to mention the cute teenaged duke next door, and she sets her hand to the task of freeing Sir Simon from his curse. Written by. Kathy Li. Plot SummaryAdd Synopsis.
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