Anthony Stark Earth 6. Marvel Database. Gallery Real Name Anthony Edward Tony Stark Aliases. Actor,1 Golden Gladiator,2 Bullet Head,3 Golden Avenger,4Shellhead,4 Armored Avenger,citation needed Spare Parts Man,5Crimson Dynamo,6 Tetsujin,citation needed Hogan Potts,7 Anthony of York,8 Randall Pierce,9Cobalt Man,1. Iron Gentleman,citation needed Metal Man,citation needed Man of Iron,1. Tin Man,1. 2 Irene,1. Electro,1. 4 The Enginerer,1. Captain America real name Steven Grant Steve Rogers is a superhero in Marvel Comics who made. The Next Ford Fiesta May Not Be Coming To The United States Report. The nextgeneration Ford Fiesta may not be coming to the United States because you didnt buy. T,1. 6 Master of Machines,1. Space Knight,1. Stan Lee, Writer Iron Man. Stan Lee is an American comicbook writer, editor, and publisher, who was formerly executive vice president and publisher of Marvel Comics. Captain America The Winter Soldier is the 2014 sequel to Captain America The First Avenger and the ninth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, directed. Online news and press release distribution service for small and mediumsized businesses and corporate communications. Includes current items, organized by date. Richard Franco1. Martini2. Iron Pig 2. Affiliation. Download Movie Finding Nemo Dvd. Formerly Stark Industries CEO, Avengers, Avengers Heroes Reborn, Illuminati, Axis, Resilient, S. H. I. E. L. D., Guardians of the Galaxy, Initiative leader, Pro Registration Superhero Unit leader, New Avengers, Mighty Avengers, Hellfire Club, Force Works, Avengers West Coast, United States Department of Defense, the Mighty, Knights of the Atomic Round Table, Alcoholics Anonymous, Damage Control Base Of Operations. Stark Tower, New York City, New York Stark Industries Airfield, New Jersey formerly Stark Island, San Francisco, California Troy Tony Starks Penthouse, New York City, New York Avengers Mansion, New York City, New York Avengers Compound Resilient HQ, Seattle, Washington also has homes in Alexandria, Virginia, Seattle, Washington, and Los Angeles, California. Occupation. Mechanical Engineer, Adventurer, Superhero, Inventor, Industrialist, founder of the Maria Stark Foundation, CEO of Stark Industries, president emeritus of Resilient former liaison between S. H. I. E. L. D. and the Avengers, United States Secretary of Defense, Executive Director of S. H. I. E. L. D., CEO of Stark Solutions, Circuits Maximus and Stark International Height. Origin. Human using super suits Anthony Tony Stark was adopted by Howard and Maria Stark. During a conflict in Afghanistan, Stark was captured by terrorists and, with a piece of shrapnel in his heart, was about to die. Constructing a suit of iron armor that would also help with his recovery, Stark broke out of captivity and journeyed back home to the United States where he built an advanced suit of armor and become the armored superhero Iron Man. See also Expanded History. Birth and Adoption. The biological parents of Tony Stark were two S. H. I. E. L. D. agents, Amanda Armstrong and Jude, who met during a courier mission. Xhh0rXZ.png' alt='Buy Iron Man & Captain America: Heroes United Hq' title='Buy Iron Man & Captain America: Heroes United Hq' />After Jude saved Amanda from an assassin, they got to know each other and fell in love. Following a two year relationship, Amanda became pregnant. A week before giving birth to the baby, Jude revealed to have been a Hydra double agent with little regard for anybody but Amanda and himself who sold out fellow S. H. I. E. L. D. soldiers, and was even responsible for the incident that had almost cost Amanda her life. During a discussion when he was trying to convince Amanda to accept Hydras protection, she attacked Jude and killed him. Back when Mercedes was using the reanimated corpse of Pablo Picasso as the head of design for the Unimog division. See also Expanded History The biological parents of Tony Stark were two S. H. I. E. L. D. agents. Traumatized by this development, Amanda asked S. H. I. E. L. D. to ensure her future baby would find a safe and happy home. However, director Nick Fury followed the same procedure used for unwanted pregnancies in the agency, and the baby was left in an orphanage in Sofia, Bulgaria after Amanda birthed him in a local hospital. Furys associate and famous industrialist Howard Stark learned of this, and decided to find the baby and adopt him, keeping the name Amanda wished he retained Anthony. Howard Stark presenting Tony to Maria. In addition to Howard and his wife Maria suffering the latters inability to give birth again,2. Arno Stark. Arnos gestation had been extremely difficult, and his birth was only made possible with the help of an alien robot, the Rigellian Recorder. However, as 4. 51 genetically modified the baby in womb, Howard had discovered the robot hid some sort of kill switch, that would compromise the life of his son in the future, for which Stark developed a biococktail to interfere with it behind 4. Once Arno was born, 4. Earth. 2. 7 In a turn of events, Howards interference with 4. The Starks had decided to keep the baby hidden in the Maria Stark Foundation Hospice. In addition to filling the void left by Arnos fatal illness, Tonys adoption would prevent 4. Howards meddling if it ever returned to Earth. Early Life and Education. Tony grew up completely unaware of Arnos existence or that he was adopted. While loved unconditionally by Maria, Tony suffered from a strained relationship with his father, both due to the constrast of Tonys sensitive and reclusive nature with Howards glorification of physical prowess2. Howards ever increasing drinking habits, which caused him to verbally abuse Tony2. This last factor caused Tony to turn to electronics as a coping mechanism at barely five years old, as he started to believe hardware to be comprehensible and reliable, whereas people were unpredictable and hard to understand. Tonys world couldnt find order, but the things he built did. Tonys childhood. In order to toughen his son, Howard sent Tony to boarding school at the age of seven, much to Marias dismay. The following years, Tony learned of discipline of body and strength of character as Howard intended, while spending his free time reading alone. At the age of thirteen, the stories of Thomas Malory opened Tony the doors to a new world of dedication to a cause greater than oneself, of chivalry, honor, and armored heroes. After boarding school, Tony joined an undergraduate program at MIT at the age of fifteen. He would effortlessly graduate as class valedictorian with double majors in physics and engineering. When he was seventeen, Tony met Meredith Mc. Call, his first love and, unfortunately, the daughter of Howards greatest business rival. Their relationship didnt develop beyond being a summer love, due to the combined interference of Merediths father and Howard. Meredith was sent to live with relatives, and Tony was scheduled to go to Europe for education, with neither being told where the other was. Tonys young adult life. The break up was numbed by Tonys school routine at Cambridge University in England, where he met another girl named Cassandra Gillespie. Worse luck, Cassandra was also the daughter of a rival weapons manufacturer of Howard. Their relationship and Tonys attendance to Cambridge were both cut short by Howard, who believed the recently established relationship to be nothing but a way for the Gillespies to get information on Howard through Tony. Tony doubted Howard and even tried to run away with Cassandra, but she eventually admitted that while she had fallen in love with Tony, their relationship did start as a ploy of her mother. Around this time, Tony met Dr. Ted Slaght during a symposium. The physicist became a mentor to Stark, and taught him values beyond the importance of science, like the significance of guiding the search for knowledge with an ethical compass,3. Tony taking over Stark Industries. Tonys mental dexterity caused him to drift into his 2. However, he would also lose interest of the dangerous hobbies he mastered, like skiing, parachuting and hang gliding. Death of Howard and Maria Stark. When he was twenty one, Tonys parents died in a car crash and he inherited his fathers business, Stark Industries. Within a few years, he turned it from solely a munitions firm to a multi national corporation with a range of interests covering virtually all types of contemporary scientific industry, and the leader at the cutting edge of electronics. Tony also bought the company that built the car his parents were driving when they lost their lives and fixed the flaws in their brake system. Tonys new life as a CEO provided him with new challenges. But as the company grew bigger, his job became less exciting, and Tony fell into self indulgence once again. Inventing the Iron Man Armor.
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