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One of the biggest knocks against the first Pixel and rightly so, was that it looked like a tech y version of Frankensteins monster. AOL Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Terms of Use Preferences Contact Us. Malayalam Movies, Previews, Reviews, Songs, Showtime, Downloads The complete Malayalam Movie Portal. Showtimes for USA, UAE and major Indian cities. Malayalam. English Movies, Previews, Reviews, Songs, Showtime, Downloads The complete English Movie Portal. Showtimes for USA, UAE and major Indian cities. English Events in. On the back, Google attempted to cover up a last minute lobotomy that was used to fit the Pixels camera and fingerprint sensor with big hunk of glass. The end result was kind of amateurish. On the front, the Pixels big bezels made it look bloated and dated from day one, and all that extra space begged to be put to better use on features like front facing speakers or simply a bigger screen. And the Pixels lack of any sort of water resistance was a cardinal sin no phone that costs over 6. IP rating. The next Pixel needs to be just as pretty as it is functional, and anything less wont be flagship quality. Dont forget standard flagship features. I know theres basically no chance Google puts a micro. SD card slot on the next Pixel, but if there arent features like wireless charging or a headphone jack, Google is fucking up. With rumors swirling about Googles upcoming Bisto wireless headphones, the odds of the Pixel 2 including a 3. But as much as I want to live in a wireless future, we arent there yet, and ditching the headphone jack will be bad for most people. I would also like to see Google bring back the dual front facing speakers from the Nexus 6. P. There are even rumors that the Pixel 2 might have squeezable sides similar to the HTC U1. Make the Pixels Camera Even Better. This one kind of goes without the saying, but the Pixels camera, especially its HDR mode, was a revelation. Google needs to continue that sort of excellence while enhancing the overall photo experience by adding manual settings and more controls to the camera app, while improving on low light image quality. Im not even sure if the Pixel 2 needs to have dual cameras, but now that Samsung, Apple, LG, Huawei, and others are all doing it, that would be nice, too. Keep the price reasonable. As Apples i. Phone X pushes the starting price of mainstream phones higher than ever before, I think it would be a mistake for Google to stray into the 8. A standard model starting at 6. Galaxy Note 8 and the 9. Phone X. Remember your motto, Google Dont be Evil. Make sure people can actually buy one. One of the biggest issues with last years Pixel is that, try as they might, most people couldnt actually buy one. Googles supply chain was in such shambles that even six months after its release, the wait time for Pixels was still months long. Add in the fact that many people thought the phone was a Verizon exclusive thanks to misleading ads, and its likely there were thousands of folks who may have considered buying a Pixel but ended up not even trying. What good is a phone that no one can actually get Upcoming Events Concerts Tickets Today and This Weekend. If you are looking for entertainment any time of the day or night, then you are at the right place. We bring you the list of all the hot and happening entertaining eventsactivities going on or lined up. You just need to tell us your mood and taste in entertainment, rest we ensure you get the best time of your life. Whether youre a music lover, a travel enthusiast, a foodie or a geek, youre bound to find something under our Events section that will catch your fancy Music Events. Download Snow Queen Movie. 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